
Legal Equality Advocacy Firm (LEAF)


Advocating for Individuals at an Affordable Price

LEAF’s mission is to provide access to justice for our clients regardless of their income. By offering highly skilled legal services, at an affordable price and in a client centered manner, we are able to provide our clients effective access to civil and administrative matters including: matrimonial, support, custody, housing, anti-discrimination, guardianship, education, medicare, disability benefits and more.




90 State Street Suite 700 Albany, New York 12207


518 334 4179


Areas of Practice

Matrimonial Proceedings

We understand that not all marriages last and that an official divorce can be important step. At LEAF we provide you with transparent representation to keep cost down, ensure that you receive your share of the property, just support orders and that you have meaningful time with your children.


Despite the Federal and State laws that prohibit discrimination against individuals due to age, sex, nationality, race, disability, gender identity or expression, many individuals have experienced discrimination in work, school, housing, and the community. Leaf can help you address this discrimination and understand the various means of righting these wrongs.

Family Court Litigation

Issues regarding custody, visitation, protective orders and support can often be resolved more simply outside of a matrimonial proceeding. We work closely with all of our clients to find the most efficient and effective solution to your problem We give you the options and advice and you make the decisions.


You may believe you are entitled to public benefits such as Social Security Disability Benefits, Medicare or Medicaid you have been denied. LEAF can help you appeal that denial and get the benefits to which you are entitled.

Special Education

Children with qualifying disabilities are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education. Schools should work with families to identify educational, social, physical and management needs and the appropriate supports and services to meet those needs.. However, sometimes this process breaks down LEAF will advocate for you at a school meeting, an administrative proceeding or behind the scenes to ensure you know your child’s rights and they receive the services they need.

HEAlth Care Services

If you have a medical issue or disability and have been denied the medical services or equipment that you need, LEAF can help you evaluate that denial and get the services that you need.

Equal Justice under the law is not meerly a caption on the facade of the Supreme Court building, it is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society. . . It is fundamental that justice should be the same, in substance and availability without regard to economic status.
— Lewis F. Powell Jr.

Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your legal needs. Before we can offer any legal assistance we must determine if you are eligible for our services and be sure we have no conflicts of interest. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.